Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I lift up my eyes

There are times that the sin of our flesh, the attacks of the devil, and the concerns of the things in our lives can cast our outlook on life down to the ground! At times it seems like the same stuff, but a different day! So, what do we do when our emotional man and our spiritual man are at odds with each other? The bible tells us to “lift up our eyes!” So, how do we “lift up our eyes” when our emotions seem to be running on sight rather than on faith? We can turn to God in unhurried, consistent, secret lingering, with Him in prayer! As Jesus was going to the Mount of Olives, He said to His disciples in Luke 22:40: “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” Then, knowing that He would soon be going to the cross with so much agony in His mind and on His heart, in verse 41 the bible says, “ And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed.” This tells us that if God in the flesh, “Jesus,” had to withdraw to be with the Father in His time of deep agony, what about you and me! The scripture goes on to say that while Jesus was praying in His time of deep agony, his disciples fell asleep on Him! This tells us that people around us at times are clueless to the trials of our hearts and the despair that we feel. Sadly, many times as Christian’s, we do the same thing to one another! I have been clueless at times of others heartaches, even of those who are the closest to me.  That’s why it is so important for us individually to lift up our eyes to the hills-where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1. It’s great to know that God isn’t clueless when it comes to our needs! He will guide us, He will help us, He will heal us, and He will do what only He “can” do to make us whole again and to complete the work He started in you and me! Philippians 1:6. So, when we are down on ourselves for one thing or another, “look up”! For as one Christian store owner said to me about two months ago, “Fear Not Tomorrow…For God Is Already There!” Please Lord help me to remember this! Amen.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Prayer to the Lord our Shepherd

Whenever trials and tribulations come our way we turn to the Lord our shepherd sooner than later! That’s why  the 23rd psalm is so comforting in times of trouble. In John chapter 10 we see Jesus in His role as the ultimate shepherd of  sheep, those who would come to salvation through Him. A true shepherd cares for and leads his sheep, not just herd them around from place to place! There are false religions out there that have their version of Jesus which is very different from the very biblical Jesus Christ! First, Jesus is the only door by which anyone can get into heaven, John 14: 1-14. A false gospel teaches that Jesus is one of many ways to get into the Kingdom of heaven. The bible says that Jesus would come to take away the sins of the world. He was the only One to die on the cross for our sins to be taken away. Second, the “gatekeeper” opens. John the Baptist would open the door. He would identify Jesus by saying , “I am ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Make straight the way of the Lord” John 1:23. NKJV. The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! John 1:29. NKJV. Third, The sheep hear His voice, and He calls them by name and He leads them out. Although Jesus preached to crowds, in the gospel of John the meetings he had with people were more on a personal basis. Examples, meeting Nicodemus by night, the Samaritan woman at the well, and the man at the pool of Bethesda. Our relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ is always a personal relationship, not a group tradition! And lastly, the Good Shepherd leads His sheep out! Meaning, He leads us out of the false teaching and darkness of this fallen world. In John chapter 9 the blind man was put out of the synagogue because of his faith in Jesus! Although the Pharisees “cast him out”, it was God’s Hand that lead this blind man out of the falsehood of twisted religious law, right into The Way, The Truth, and The Life, which is found only in Jesus Christ. This is the True Lord Our Shepherd! When we come to Him in prayer, He will lead us, He will guide us, He will protect us, He will heal us, He will provide for us, and He will minister to our souls. Thank You Jesus! What a Savior! What a Shepherd!…..”Blessings”! 

Friday, March 12, 2010

God’s Care For You

Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. Psalm 55:22. In Psalm 55, the psalmist David is battling enemies within and without! Trials and troubles surround him about! ( verses 4-5 ) even says “ My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death assail me. Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me. (NIV). David was in such distress that he wanted to fly away if had the wings of a dove to retreat to a place of rest far into the desert! We too have enemies that we face on an ongoing bases at times. The enemy can be a relationship once enjoyable in friendship gone bad, deep financial difficulties where no matter how hard you work, there is more month than money, health problems, people envious of your gifts and talents then gossip about you. The list can go on and on. Yet, David would go on to say as God encouraged him in his prayer, “But I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning, and noon I cry out in distress and He hears my voice. Someone once said, “If you are swept off your feet, it’s time to get on your knees.” As we wait, trust, and hope in the God who will “show up” right on time, He will bring us to “VICTORY” over our enemies and give us His peace in the midst there of. John 14:1; Psalm 27:14; Hebrews 6:18-20. Expect good things today because something “GOOD” is going to happen to you and me! Thank You Jesus!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What is Prayer for the Harvest Ministries?

Hello Everyone!

After being an Assistant Pastor of a large church for many years in Florida, God called my family to a church in Whitefish, Montana where I served as a Senior Pastor for three years.
We then stepped out in faith two years ago to start a ministry that has been on my heart for a long time: Prayer for the Harvest Ministries (PFHM).
P.F.H.M. encourages people in God's Word, with the emphasis on prayer as a lifeline for everyday life in simplicity and practicality.
Please check out this video below and visit our website: You can also become a fan of Prayer for the Harvest Ministries on Facebook by clicking here.

We will begin using the internet to communicate with you periodically through video blogs and devotionals. We invite you to check the PFHM website and sign-up to receive these updates automatically or take a look at our Facebook page and share it with others you know. We are living in difficult times and the Lord is using His family to build each other up and help each other to grow in His name.

My wife, Eliana, is heading up our home fitness business as a Beachbody Independent Coach, helping people to get healthy and fit. You can visit her Page on Facebook by clicking here , or you can go to her website at:
My goal is to encourage everyone to get down on our knees in prayer, and Eliana's goal is to get us all up and moving! God cares for the soul and the body! Enjoy a healthy Spiritual and Physical Life.
God bless you,
Don Dukes

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

May I Help You?

Everybody is always asking me: Pastor Don, what is Prayer for the Harvest Ministries and What do you do?
I hope this video will be able to answer you.
God Bless you,
Pastor Don Dukes

http://www.prayerfortheharv... How to Pray, the most asked question. Sign-up to receive our Prayer for the Harvest Updates and Pastor Don Dukes will show you How to have an effective prayer life.

Newsletter March 2010

Dear friends,
Please be blessed as you take a look at our videos and Newsletter.
God bless you,
Don Dukes

Prayer for the Harvest Ministries- March 2010 Newsletter

The Dukes Family- 2009 Year in Review
How can you pack together 365 Days in 8 minutes? By doing a music video that is fun and entertaining.Sometimes we forget about how each day can be so precious...In this music video we will be looking back and we will appreciate all the special moments that God allowed us to have. "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."Psalm 118:24.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Peace be to you today!

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trust in You. Isaiah 26:3. When something in our thoughts or life makes us anxious and worried God says come to Me with prayer, petition, and thanksgiving! Although it is hard at times to do so in the midst of difficulties, we can say: “Thank you, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust you all the more.” Through lessons of trust in the Lord to “show up” in the midst of life’s challenges, our trust becomes well-developed and will bring us many blessings, not the least of which is God’s peace. The world says that peace comes with possessions, a very strong financial portfolio, insurance, and systems of security. Yet God promises to give us His peace that is independent of our circumstances. I am learning this now as we navigate through tough economic times. God will prove Himself to be our sure foundation and refuge because He has promised He will never forsake us. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you as well.


Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection (1606-1691)